Who's Who
Premio Sant'Ilario
Corrado Truffelli

Corrado Truffelli č nato a Tornolo (PR) il 25.11.1935, residente a Parma, coniugato, ha cinque figli.

Laureato in Economia e Commercio presso l'Universitā di Parma, č Ricercatore presso l'Istituto di Geografia Economica ed Economia dei Trasporti presso la stessa Universitā.

Dal 1975 al 1995 Consigliere Regionale. Ha ricoperto l'incarico di Capo Gruppo della Democrazia Cristiana e del Partito Popolare. Vice Presidente del Consiglio e Presidente della Commissione Attivitā Produttive.

Nel 1995 č stato eletto Presidente della Provincia di Parma.
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Corrado Truffelli was born on 25.11.1935, in Tornolo in the Province of Parma. He lives in Parma, he's married and he has five children.

He is a researcher in the Department of "Geographical and Trasport Economy" at the University of Parma, having obtained a degree in "Economics and Commerce" at the same university.

From 1975 to 1995 he was "Regional Councillor". He held the job of Group Leader of the Christian Demicrats and the "Popolare Party". He was also Vice- President of the Council and President of the Commission for Productive Activity.

In 1995 he was elected President of the Province of Parma.
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